Privacy policy


Nursework is bound by legislation on the protection of personal data, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All privacy-sensitive information provided to Nursework is covered by this privacy disclaimer. Nursework makes every reasonable effort to treat privacy-sensitive information as confidential and will only use the information for the purposes described here.


When applying, you thereby give Nursework permission to use your personal data (name, address, date of birth, CV, etc.) for application purposes. The data will only be used for this and only shared with the Nursework staff who are involved in your application. Your data is not used for other purposes and is not shared with third parties. For our management reports, your data is made anonymous. This means that we only retain data that cannot be traced to the person for this purpose.


Almost all websites use so-called “Cookies”. Cookies are small text files that contain data and are created by the website. They are temporarily stored on the visitor’s computer to give the user access to various functions and ensure that the website works for you as smoothly as possible. Cookies are also used to improve the website by seeing how visitors interact with the content and where they come from. No personal data is stored for this. Cookies are stored for 1 month.

Embedded content from other websites

This site may contain embedded content from other websites such as videos, images, articles etc. The content of these other websites works the same as if the visitor visits this other website. Nursework has no influence on this content and / or operation and cannot be held liable in any way for this. For the privacy policy, the use of cookies etc from these other websites you can consult the information of the website in question.